20 thoughts on “PART 1 and Part 2 FRCR Clin Onc Notes

  1. OncDoc says:

    Hello, I think your blog is excellent. I am one of the new ST3 ClinOnc Registrars this year and have also made a blog to guide juniors to this speciality. Can I reference your blog in the ‘useful resources’ post I am making for people looking for resources?


  2. amycooper112 says:

    Hi, I’ve got an active paid subscription yet it won’t let me log on to see the subscribers pages. Can’t find a way to fix this on wordpress . Please could you look into it? Thanks, Amy


  3. Anonymous says:

    Hello. I Was introduced to the new CO2B format. So there is no examining of the patient anymore.

    we just sit the exam with examiners on video call and with power point slides?


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